
Placemaking in Hillsdale

A Place for Gathering and Contemplation

At SW 4th Avenue and Nevada Street, neighbors have built a small shelter for passersby to pause, rest, watch, think, make music, read, and write.

While frequented by Hillsdale neighbors, it is also well-used by walkers from with a copy of Portland Hill Walks in hand.


Reading and Writing Materials

Passers-by have written impressions, thoughts, poems, and quotations in the notebook.

Winter decorations and bongos.

Decor Image I

Decor Image II

Decor Image III

Shelter at 4th and Nevada Street

6 responses to “Placemaking in Hillsdale

  1. Thank you for posting these photos of our neighborhood rest-stop. I love this neighborhood, but unfortunately, when exploring around, you have to “keep going” … no places to stop and rest and just enjoy the day peacefully for a few minutes. I hope the idea of neighborhood rest-stops catches on. On various occasions we have called this the bus-stop, band-shell, castle on the hill, Romanian embassy (in honor of our post-man) etc.! It is pure fun and the comments in our book have been so gratifying to read. Thank you everyone! Let’s build more!!! Leave a message here and I can give you some ideas as to how we did it! Rick

    • Rick – Thanks for the kind words and for contributing this wonderful place to the neighborhood. I understand what you are saying about how you need to “keep going.” Stopping on the sidewalk or by the curb for a few minutes to look around might even attract the attention of a vigilant Neighborhood Watch member!

  2. Sam, Catherine and Rick Hartoch

    Thank you so much for having a blog about SW Portland and Hillsdale! And thank you for including our beloved community shelter on your site We love your captions and photos. We were very excited to see your posting. Keep up the great work!
    With appreciation from the family of Sam, age 3, of the winter decorations in the shelter.

  3. Thank you Sam, Catherine, and Rick! It is such a pleasure to have you as neighbors.

  4. Hello, how would I go about getting permission to use a photo of this innovative neighborhood shelter.

    • Hi Holly – I think you can just click on the photo and save it to your computer! If this doesn’t work, let me know and I will dig it up and send it to you in an email. I do ask that you give me credit for the photo when you use it elsewhere. Thanks! Lynn

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